This past week I have been so busy! First of all, I got several orders at the same time at my etsy store. Here are the things I have been working on:
Glow in the dark rainbow mask
Batman belt
Rainbow beadkini
And now I am working on another beadkini thats going to have tons of purple daisys all over it! Which is actually an idea I have wanted to try for a really long time, but never got around to it.
Aside from that, what has really kept me away and busy was a little baby mouse, who I just called Baby.
My ex boyfriend and I had a snake together. Now that we dont live together and arnt with eachother, our variable king snake Iris lives with him. A little over a week ago I went to bisit the both of them, and I picked up a baby mouse on the way over. For whatever reason, Iris didnt eat. So, I started to feel bad and didnt want the baby mouse to starve to death if it wasnt going to be eaten, so I took her home with me and took care of her.
This past week my life has been filled with constant worry if I wasnt home to take care of her, smelling like baby formula when I was home, and when I would go spend the night at my sort-of-boyfriend-but-im-not-ready-for-that-yet's house, I would pack a bag of baby suplies and bring her over with me so I could still see him, and still take care of her at the same time. Unfortunately when I woke up for her feeding, I discovered that she had passed on.
I tried really hard to not get attached just in case she didnt make it. I didnt want to know her gender or give her a name. But a week of hand feeding a baby like that with a bottle or a miniature droper, seeing that she was in fact a girl (male mice and rats do not have nipples, so eventhough i didnt want to know the gender, as soon as I saw, I knew), and by just refering to her as baby, it ended up sticking as her name, I couldnt help but become attached, so now I am quite devestated.
But, I suppose on a happier note, I am going to attend my first convention in 5 years! I am going all 3 days, and my sort-of-boyfriend said he will try to go with me too! So now I have an excuse to wear my new raver lolita outfit even sooner! Plus try an OTT outfit with my black Milky Planet jsk! It is next weekend and I am really excited! Plus, all of the lolitas will be in the same place, so its going to be loads of fun!
Though I have been to conventions before, I never went to any of the con raves. So next weekend will be my first one! To tell you the truth, I am sort of nervouse about it. I am use to real raves, so I dont know what to expect from a con rave. I have heard scary storie of people being snooty, and when asked to trade kandi, they will stick up their noses at you. Wich of course is the opposite of the real raves I go to where everyone is friendly and everyone wants to trade, and you can feel the PLUR in the air! (Plur or plurr is the rave motto for pleace love unity arespect and responsibility)
But I will have tons of pictures to share next week from the event! I am so darn excited!!!!! XD
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