Thursday, February 23, 2012

outfit snap/30 Day Lolita Challange- Day 21

Before I get on to the challange, i wanted to share my outfit for the day.

Makeup shot! I havn't been wearing my circle lenses lately and I've really missed them!

Bolero: ebay
Belt: offbrand
Accessories: handmade, pink macaroon
Jsk, headbow: angelic pretty
Shoes: bodyline
Fishnets: hottopic


Day 21- Your favorite fictional lolita

Well, as you might realize, there isnt many fictional lolita characters out there. I was trying to find it earlier, but it seems to have dissapeared, but there was an online comic calld "Confessions of an American Lolita" which was roughly based on what actually happens in the real life lolita communities. If I had to choose anyone, it would be that main character! Mainly because she was so...well, NORMAL! I found it back in '08, but I never even saw another chapter come out after the first one. Regardless, I loved it! I wish it didnt dissapear so I could of shown it to the world!

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