Saturday, August 27, 2011

30 Day Lolita Challange- Day 1

Ok! So this is what I have been wanting to do for the past few months! This meme not only looks incredibly fun, but out of all the blogs that I stalk, I've only seen one finish. Some of the others are still going, but they take days or even weeks to get on with the next day. So I have decided to challenge myself with this 30 day lolita challange!
For thoes of you who dont know, this challange was started at The Random Lolita.

Day 1 –10 things about your lolita bubble.
Day 2 –10 things you love in lolita.
Day 3 –10 things you hate in lolita.
Day 4 –10 different kinds of food you like.
Day 5 –10 items from your wishlist.
Day 6 –10 things you can’t live without in lolita.
Day 7 –10 people who inspire your lolita style.
Day 8 –10 songs that inspire you for lolita.
Day 9 –10 things you will never do in lolita.
Day 10 –What’s in your bag?
Day 11 –One day in your lolita life in pictures.
Day 12 –A picture of yourself before lolita came in to your life.
Day 13 –A picture of your favorite sweets.
Day 14 –A picture of your dream item.
Day 15 –A picture of your last lolita purchase.
Day 16 –Your outfit for the day.
Day 17 –What do you want more then anything right now?
Day 18 –A picture of your favorite lolita style.
Day 19 –What’s in your make-up bag?
Day 20 –A picture of a lolita friend.
Day 21 –Your favorite fictional lolita.
Day 22 –A picture of your room.
Day 23 –A picture of your handwriting.
Day 24 –A picture of you from a meet.
Day 25 –Your favorite lolita themed artwork.
Day 26 –Your Facebook profile picture.
Day 27 –One song that fits your favorite lolita style.
Day 28 –A picture of the perfect lolita location.
Day 29 –A picture of a lolita you would love to meet for real.
Day 30 –A photo of yourself taken today and 3 good things that’s happened over the last 30 days.

So I hope to be able to keep up with this! >_< So I suppose I will start with day one now! 10 Things About My Lolita Bubble
1. Even though I was a tomboy growing up, I have always loved and admired super girly items. I esspecially had a fascination with Victorian England and Rococo France. I longed to live in their world and wear all their clothes, so when I discovered lolita I felt so right at home and so perfect!
2. It has been round 8 years now since I discovered lolita. I try to wear it as often as possible but unfortunately that isn't always possible. And despite my love for lolita, I still love my stash of mini skirts and micro-minis!
3. Ero lolita has always apeald to me. Especially since the desert heat makez wearing lolita difficult. Hopefully summer will come to an end soon this year because I cant stand the heat! I can't wear lolita. But my goal for next summer is to have a nice collection of bloomers, underbust corsets and cute frilly camis so I can finally stay cool, keep my frills, and live out my dream of trying out ero lolita!
4. Lolita has ruined me as far as whenever I see anything with lace in a mainstream store I can't help but think "Ewww! That lace is atrocious!" if I see anything that I would not have on my lolita dresses.
5. I dont like sweet lolita too much because It makes me feel too childish, and I allready have people telling me they think im 16, but for some reason I keep on falling in love with sweet print dresses, buying them, and not knowing how to coordinate them into my wardrobe.
6. Even though big rectangle headdresses are consitered "ita" by some, they were all the rage when I first got into the fashion, so I use to make my own and wear them with my normal clothing since I didnt have anything else lolita to wear. So thoes big silly looking headdresses will always have a special place in my heart.
7. I don't like it when people call it "old-school" lolita. It just makes me feel old. Besides, I think I prefer the look of lolita back when i first started out then to the crazy OTT pastel pink vomit rainbow stuff it has been the past few years.
8. As mentioned above, it gets ridiculously hot here at times, so sometimes I skip out on the petticoat. I have several dresses that have a nice poof all on their own that I love to wear. However for the ones that dont have a good poof on thei own, I will definately wear a petti.
9. I really love all the girls I have met through lolita! They are all so much fun! Sometimes I prefer to see them then my normal friends because the are all so kind and sweet, plus they are super adorable! I am very gracious to lolita for bringing us all together!
10. I adore bunnys. I finally got a bunny last year, and since then I have been fawning over every bunny print or bunny item I find. In fact, my new dream dress is Angelic Pretty's Bunny Pocket jsk in blue. I know that they have a replica, but I want the real thing!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your challenge and from your lolita bubble, I totally agree with 4! I have the same thing when I see lace items in normal stores. :p
    And bunnies are cute! <3
