Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My wardrobe situation + outfit post

I was looking at all the clothes I have in my closet. I was thinking, there are a few pieces I wear almost constantly, and others that I wear very rarely or never. I think I want to start from the very left side of my wardrobe and start making outfits featuring the very first piece of clothing I have, moveing to the right each day untill I get to the very end. Hopefully this way I can figure out some new cute combonation of coordinates to wear and get out of my current wardrobe funk!

My wardrobe is arranged by type. There are skirts, jsks, ops, short sleeved tops, boleros, and jackets. Hopefully by the time I get to the jackets it will be cool enough I can actually wear them!! I got this adorable Baby hoodie with bunny ears much earlier this year, but it was too warm for it by the time I found it unfortunately.

Anywho, does anyone else get outfit funks like this? How do you cure it? I know I have my favorite dresses...and its sometimes hard not to ignore the rest of your clothes and keep on picking out your favorite pieces.

And tonight I have a photo to share! I know its a little late, but its from kareoke at the bar last Thursday night! Hopefully I will be able to get another picture of my outfit tomorrow night :] I know I JUST stated above I was going to start at the beginning of my closet and go through the end, but first I want to wear my Sugary Carnival replica because 1. I havnt worn it at all yet, and 2. I love getting all cutesy-fied for the bar. Its so much fun and everyone always loves to see my clothes! Besides, cutle little lolita at the bar? Come on who wouldnt want to do that?! XD

Anywho, on to the pictures

Dress: Baby, the stars shine bright
cutsew: offbrand
shoes: rue21 (one of my favorite pairs of shoes!!!)
tights: offbrand
panda bag: go him during a lolita meet at the Tucson zoo! <3 Going there again this Sunday! I am so excited!!!
Necklace and accessories: forever21, claire's, handmade
hairbow: hand made from the waist ties of this dress. I really hate waist ties on about 90% of everything I get that has them! :/

Also, I have somehow survived day one of the egl shutdown. I hope to be busy with work and what not for the remainder of the shutdown so I wont be able to constantly be checking the community! :[

1 comment:

  1. I don't really do lolita much (though I love the style), but I have the same problem you describe with my regular wardrobe. It was so hard, but recently I went through it and ruthlessly culled the things that don't fit me right or that aren't "me" or that I never wear. The exception was my special outfit pieces, like lolita and vintage stuff. For that stuff, I made a promise to wear it. Now that my wardrobe is a little smaller (it's huge!) it's been much easier to put together outfits because I got rid of the junk. Now if you have lolita stuff that you spent a lot of time collecting, I would try to determine why you don't wear it. Is it because you don't have much stuff that goes well with it? In that case you can make a point to buy some basic stuff to use in coords with it. Or is it because it doesn't fit well or you don't like that colors? In that case you could trade or sell it and get stuff that you like better.
