Thursday, November 17, 2011

30 Day Lolita Challange- Day 15

Day 15 –A picture of your last lolita purchase.

Well actually, I am incredibly pleased to announce that just a few moments ago I bought my first Lucky Pack!!!

I was lucky enough to see a post in EGL about Metamorphose haveing a small Lucky Pack restocck. So, naturally, I jumped right on it! So, thats my latest lolita purchase. However, since I litterally JUST bought it, I can not show you ay pictures yet! XD

However, I can show you the last thing I bought that has made its way to my house!

I had been needing some ivory colored socks for some time. While I still would like a few more pairs so I can have matching socks for all my ivory dresses, I at least have one! And they are really cute too! <3

Oooh! And I can not wait for the rest of my stuff to come in so I can share! I have been building my wardrobe for a while now, but now I am finally getting down to the final details like adding tops and socks. After that I think I will be complete. I mean I will always add new pieces as brands release things, but soon i will have at least two coordinates per main piece. Signs of a full functioning wardrobe :]


  1. Ohh I really love that harlequin style socks!

  2. Thanks!^^

    Ooh ive been really addicted to them lately and i want to get them in every color imagineable! <3
